
Showing posts from December, 2012

P-39L Aircobra in the MTO

Started this yesterday Finished the cockpit now, and got the fuselage buttoned up  Peter 

FW189 Finished

Well it's done - an Interesting kit, not bad fitting but overly fiddly in places, and I really wish Great Wall Hobbies learnt that wing spars are a good idea. Their masks don't work very well, the vinyl is too thick and not sticky enough. Peter 

FW189 - RLM70 on

Today's work - about an hours masking Followed by the RLM 70, then unmasked Then finally a coat of Klear over the top Peter 

Started painting the 189

More done on the 189 - masked up the wheel wells Then sprayed with Alclad White Primer Pre-shaded Then sprayed the yellow theatre bands The RLM65 light blue Finally for today the RLM71 green

Update for the 23th on the FW 189

Got a bit more done today, though the 189 has been a bit of a disaster area today, with some of the glazing falling off, the camera coming loose, but things have been patched together again. Finally got the booms sorted out and everything glued together Peter

More done on the 189

More work done on the 189 today. First I finished off the engines Then I managed to lose one of the parts for the landing gear, so queue an hour of slicing plastic card strip to make a replacement. Then made up the Landing gear Finally fitted the port wing / boom together - some Mr Surfacer on some of the joints, but nothing major Peter

More on the FW189

Got some more done on the FW 189 today - first the bad news - some of the masks peeled off (probably due to the cold in the shed) Then out with the Tamiya tape. Finally I started work on the engines - still quite a lot to do. Peter

More Glazing - anyone would think it's a recon bird

More done on the FW 189 today - got all of the glazing done Then on with all the pre-cut masks. Then finally a quick blast of RLM66 over the top to back the frames and seal the masks. Peter

More done on the 189

More work done on the FW 189 today - got the cockpit done Then started gluing all the glazing together - GS Hypo glue to the rescue.

FW 189

FW 189 A-2 - Luftwaffe Recce Aircraft Actually started this a week ago, but only just got around to taking some photos. It looks nice so far, but it still needs some more weathering.