
Showing posts from August, 2013

F4U-1D, 30th Servicing Unit, RNZAF

Finished today, the nice Tamiya F4U-1D Corsair built as an RNZAF example using Ventura Decals, otherwise OOB with just a couple of bits of wire on the engine. Painted with Gunze,then weathered with True-Earth products, Mig Oil washes, AK Interactive potions and Mig and AK Pigments to try and get the 'i've lived in the Solomon Islands' look. I like how it's turned out, as the Ventura decal instructions state that the dark blue had faded to very close to the intermediate blue and to my eye that's how it's turned out. Build thread is available  here Peter

P-38J-15-LO, s/n 42-68004, flown by 1st Lt. Clark R. Livingston, 392nd FS, 367th FG, Juvincourt AB, France, December, 1944

Finished yesterday - the plastic on this kit fought all the way. Having  built the Academy kit before I didn't have the problems before so it seems to have been a 'Friday afternoon before going home' kit.  The Eduard Resin is very nice, but the instructions and fit could be better - this is compounded by the P-38 being a very awkward shape.    Painted with Gunze Aqueous and Alclad and lightly post shaded with Model Mates. Glad this is done now - next up will be some nice relaxing Tamiya therapy :-)   Build battle is available  here               Peter