FW190-F8, SG 10, Ceske Budejovice, Czechoslovakia, May, 1945
SG 10, Ceske Budejovice, Czechoslovakia, May, 1945 One of the abandoned aircraft left behind by Stab SG 10 and some of its Gruppe was this Fw 190F-8 marked Yellow ‘K’ The plane carried some camouflage modifications of SG 10 seen at the end of the war. The upper surfaces were brushed over with dark green, RLM 83 or similar, in the field. This color also extended to the undersurfaces, and also partially obscured the national insignia on the fuselage and wing tops. After the application of this scheme, Yellow ‘K’ received a new tail section from a written-off Fw 190 sporting the more traditional grey scheme, and there was an inconsistency between the fuselage crosses and tail swastika. By May, 1945, the brushed on paint was well worn, and the identifier, in the form of a yellow stripe, adorned the cowl. Misinterpretations regarding this stripe led to variations in width and exact placement. For this profile, the most common placement within SG 10 was used. Worth noting is the absence of...